Motivational speaker Vivek Bindra, 8 days after marriage, booked for domestic violence in Noida: Report

Motivational speaker Vivek Bindra reportedly married Yanika on December 6. But eight days later, on December 14, a case was registered against Bindra at Noida Sector 126 police station.

Uttar Pradesh Noida Police has reportedly registered an FIR against popular motivational speaker Vivek Bindra for allegedly assaulting his wife Yanika Bindra.

Vivek Bindra married Yanika on 6 December 2023. But eight days later, on 14 December 2023, a case was registered against Bindra at Sector 126 police station in Noida, for allegedly assaulting his wife, Sunali News reported.

Motivational speaker Vivek Bindra

Who is Vivek Bindra?

Vivek Bindra, CEO and founder of Bada Business Pvt Ltd and a prolific motivational speaker, has been booked under sections 323, 504, 427 and 325 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the report claimed.

The Noida Police is investigating the matter and has said that a thorough investigation will be conducted into the allegation.

The complaint was filed by Yanika’s brother Vaibhav, who alleged that Bindra locked his sister in a room, hurled abuse and subjected her to severe physical abuse, leaving her with bruises all over her body, Sunali News reported.

In a video, which is being widely shared on social media, Yanika can be seen showing her injuries to doctors.

“She also cannot hear properly due to her ear injury,” said Vaibhav, adding that Yanika is currently admitted and undergoing treatment at Delhi’s Kailash Deepak Hospital.

Bindra has faced social media ire for an alleged scam after a video by another high-profile Indian motivational speaker and YouTuber, Sandeep Maheshwari, went viral.

Maheshwari recently uploaded a video titled “Unveiling a Major Scam” on her YouTube channel, in which she showcased statements from students claiming to have been duped by Bindra’s company. Bindra has denied all allegations.

Meanwhile, Maheshwari claimed that she was being pressured to take down the video. But, on the contrary, the video started getting more responses, as people expressed their support for Maheshwari and requested her not to take it down.

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